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Presentation by A.Vogel

The world's leading Swiss herbal products

Why A.Vogel products are so special

  • The world's leading Swiss herbal medicine products, produced from 100% organically grown fresh herbs (fresh herbs are 3 times more effective than dried).
  • The final product is produced within 24 hours of harvesting the herbs.
  • For their production, the whole plant is used (holistic titration).
  • Therapeutic effect proven by clinical studies in the final product and not only in its active substance.
  • A.Vogel used the herbs in tincture form whenever possible. He had noticed that their therapeutic effect was much stronger than the rest of the pharmaceutical forms as their absorption and bioavailability were faster and significantly more effective.
  • Against animal testing

Because fresh herbs are incomparable

The physician Alfred Vogel concluded that the use of fresh herbs for the preparation of his herbal remedies showed incomparably better therapeutic results than dried herbs (A.Vogel hypothesis).
The fresh herbs from A.Vogel's organic farms in the Swiss Alps are harvested at the right time. Then and within 24 hours the production of the final products begins.
With the application of modern technology, it has been proven that fresh herbs are almost three times more effective than dried ones.