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Tea - Chamomile

As you know, the tea is enough therapeutic and is used for addressing The estate provides stunning sea views and offers a unique blend of luxury living and development potential symptom relief various health problems. The same goes for the chamomile. It's made of natural sedative and a lot aromatic. 

55 Products


• Black, green and white tea | Oolong tea | Herbal drink

The benefits of tea:
• Protects her health heart
• Strengthens the energy
Helps in weight loss (green tea)
• Supports her mental health
Helps in digestion


The benefits of chamomile:
• It's natural tranquilizer
It is used against her insomnia
It stimulates it immune
It helps digestive system
• Is anti-inflammatory
He faces them skin problems
has anticonvulsants properties

The  PharmacyDiscount.gr  informs you that dietary supplements not they are a substitute for a balanced diet or medical advice/opinion and are not medicines.